Managing Email Groups

After logging into the control panel you will see a screen like the one below.  When you drag the mouse over the "Mail" icon several options will be displayed: Accounts, Mail Aliases, Groups, Lists, Domains.  Click Groups to move to the Email Groups section.  Another way to get there is to click the link above the icons.  The name of the link is based on the type of service you have with us.  The image below uses "Email Services" for this demo. Once on this page all of your options now appear in the left hand navigation menu.

Email Groups are simply email aliases used to send to multiple recipients.  For instance you can set up a group for a department that contains all of the email addresses for everyone in that department.  The main page for Email groups looks almost identical to the Accounts main page.  If you are not already familiar with creating new email accounts we recommend you read Managing Email Accounts first.

In the E-mail Address field you would enter the desired group name such as"billing" if you were setting up a group for the Billing department.  You then select the domain you want this group to be associated with if you have multiple domains.  In the Group E-Mails: field you will enter each member email address for the group on its own line without any spaces or other special characters.

Using a Mail Group to Forward Email From an Account to Multiple Recipients

Another scenario where an email group is needed is when you need to forward email from an account to multiple email addresses.  The system only supports a single email in the Forward field in the manage email accounts page so here is a way around this limitation.  In the sample image below I am creating a Mail Group to be used as a forward from a regular email account. I named the group  You will notice that I started the email with "mailfwd_".  I did this to distinguish it from other mail groups and so that I knew that this mail group is tied to the account and also because I don't want anyone sending email to this address directly. In this case the E-mail Address for the group would appear in the Fwd field within the email account.

NOTE: If you don't want to check an e-mail account and it is strictly being used to forward e-mail it is usually better to use an Alias or a Mail Group instead of an e-mail account.

Article ID: 11, Created On: 4/4/2013, Modified: 4/5/2013

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