Step 1) If starting Microsoft Outlook for the first time you will be prompted with a start up screen. Click
Next. The next screen will ask if you want to configure an e-mail account. Select
Yes and click
If you are modifying your Outlook settings or adding an account to an existing Outlook setup please follow these next steps. If this is the first time you are setting up Outlook you can skip to step 2. Open Outlook and go the
File menu. Click on the button for
Account Settings and then select the item that appears directly below also labeled
Account Settings. You can then select the account you want to edit and click
Change... or click the
New... item to add an additional account to Outlook
Step 2) If modifyingyour settings please go to step 3. In step 2 when adding a new account you will be given the option to enter your name, e-mal address, and password. You will also see at the bottom of the screen the option to Manually configure server settings or additional server types. Select the Manual option and click Next. You will then be prompted to choos services. Select Internet E-mail and click Next.
Step 3) If you are editing or setting up your account for the first time you should see the screen below. Please fill in Your Name and E-mail Address. Next fill in the Server Information with the following settings. Account Type: POP3 Incoming mail server: Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Your User Name is your full e-mail address and enter your password as it has been assigned to you. Make sure the Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is NOT checked. If checked you won't be able to connect. Now we will need to edit the advanced settings. Click More Settings...
Step 4) A new window will appear with several tabs at the top (images below). Click the Outgoing Server tab. On this tab click the checkbox for My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication. Then select the radio button directly below this for Use same settings as my incoming mail server. Now go to the Advanced tab. Click the checkbox for This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL). This should automatically change the text box directly above to 995. If it does not, manually change this. Beneath Outgoing server there is an option Use the following type of encrypted connection: Change this drop down to SSL and then change the port to 465 if it is not already set. You can now click OK then Next to finish adding your account to Outlook. You should now be able to send and receive your email.
Article ID: 3, Created On: 3/18/2011, Modified: 1/17/2017