Creating an Email Signature

Once logged into the web mail reader you will see several icons along the left hand side of the screen.  You want to mouse over the icons looking for the "Gear" shaped icon that when moused over will say "Settings". Once you click on the Settings icon you will see a list of options to the right of the icons.  Expand "My Settings" if it is not already expanded.  You should now see Signatures.  Click Signatures and several options will appear on the right side of the screen.


There are 2 options here, Mappins and Signatures.  Before you can set the Mappings you must create a Signature.  Click Signatures here.  Directly above the Signatures link you will several actions: Save, New, Edit, and Delete.  Click the New option to create a new signature.  A pop-up screen will appear where you can create your signature.  You will notice that you can add any sort of formatting using the deisgner commands.  Click Save when you are done.


Once you have created a Signature it should appear on the right hand side of the screen.  Now you need to assign this new signature to your account so you can begin using it.  Click Mappings. Now click the Refresh button in your Browser as sometimes the new signature won't appear in the list.

Once you have refreshed you can now select the new signature you just created.  After changing the drop down menu to the signature you just created.  Click Save.  You have now added a signature that will be used whenever you create a new email,

Article ID: 9, Created On: 10/7/2011, Modified: 4/4/2013

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